Custom label to be used by screen readers. When provided, an aria-label will be added to the element.
"a user friendly label for screen readers"
How to align along the cross axis when contained in a Box or along the column axis when contained in a Grid.
The DOM tag or react component to use for the element.
The name of a component.
() => {}
Function that will be called when each value is rendered.
{(datum) => ( <Card key={} as="li"> <CardBody> <Heading level={2} size="small" margin="none"> {} </Heading> </CardBody> <CardFooter>{datum.state}</CardFooter> </Card> )}
The data set.
[ { "date": "2020-05-28", "amount": 88, "percent": 20 }, { "date": "2020-05-27", "amount": 77, "percent": 15 } ]
The amount of margin around the component.
Can be specified to distinguish horizontal margin, vertical margin, and margin on a particular side.
{ vertical: "...", horizontal: "...", top: "...", bottom: "...", left: "...", right: "..." }
Use this to indicate that 'cards' doesn't contain all that it could.
It will be called when the entire cards of items has been rendered. This might be used when the total number of cards that could be retrieved is more than you'd want to load into the browser. 'onMore' allows you to lazily fetch more from the server only when needed.
() => {}
The amount of padding around the Box contents.
T-shirt sizing based off the theme or a specific size in px, em, etc.
"any CSS size"
An object can be specified to distinguish horizontal padding, vertical padding, and padding on a particular side.
{ vertical: "...", horizontal: "...", top: "...", bottom: "...", left: "...", right: "...", start: "...", end: "..." }
Whether to paginate the data.
If providing an object, any Box props or Pagination props are valid and will be used to style the underlying pagination component.
At its core, the Cards component is a regular <div> element. Thus, both DOM and React properties, methods, and events are accessible. To read up on all of the possible DOM attributes and types available for div elements, check out this MDN Web Documents page. To learn more about DOM events and methods, you can read more on the MDN Web Events documentation page.
Also, feel free to read about the types of React events available, or see how DOM attributes change in React. Working in tandem with Styled Components, you also have access to the as property.