Animation to be used by entire Diagram.
{ type: "pulse" | "draw", delay: number | "string", duration: number | "string", size: "xsmall" | "small" | "medium" | "large" | "xlarge" }
Array of objects describing the connections.
The 'fromTarget' and 'toTarget' may be either DOM element ids or React references. 'animation' can be used to give specific connections their own animation. 'offset' can be used to shift a bit to reduce the amount of overlap with other connection lines to make the lines easier to distinguish.
[ { anchor: "center", animation: "...", color: "graph-0", fromTarget: "my-dom-id-1", label: "link 5", offset: "...", thickness: "medium", toTarget: "my-dom-id-2", type: "rectilinear" } ]
where anchor could be:
where offset could be:
where thickness could be:
where type could be:
At its core, the Diagram component is a regular <svg> element. Thus, both DOM and React properties, methods, and events are accessible. To read up on all of the possible DOM attributes and types available for svg elements, check out this MDN Web Documents page. To learn more about DOM events and methods, you can read more on the MDN Web Events documentation page.
Also, feel free to read about the types of React events available, or see how DOM attributes change in React. Working in tandem with Styled Components, you also have access to the as property.
Configuration for draw and pulse animations in Diagram.
{ pulse: { duration: 1000, }, draw: { duration: 2000, }, }
Any additional style for Diagram.
Any CSS.
css`color: 'blue'`
(props) => {}
The color of the connection line.
A hex, name, or rgb value.
An object with a color for dark and light modes.
{ dark: "string", light: "string" }
The animation configuration for Diagram.
{ duration: "1s", jiggle: { duration: "0.1s" } }
Color options.
{ "icon": { "dark": "#f8f8f8", "light": "#666666" }, "active": "rgba(221, 221, 221, 0.5)", "background-back": { "dark": "#33333308", "light": "#EDEDED" }, "background-front": { "dark": "#444444", "light": "#FFFFFF" }, "background-contrast": { "light": "#33333310", "dark": "#FFFFFF18" }, "active-background": "background-contrast", "active-text": "text-strong", "black": "#000000", "border": { "dark": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.33)", "light": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)" }, "brand": "#7D4CDB", "control": { "dark": "accent-1", "light": "brand" }, "focus": "#6FFFB0", "graph-0": "accent-1", "graph-1": "neutral-1", "graph-2": "neutral-2", "graph-3": "neutral-3", "graph-4": "neutral-4", "placeholder": "#AAAAAA", "selected": "brand", "text": { "dark": "#f8f8f8", "light": "#444444" }, "text-strong": { "dark": "#FFFFFF", "light": "#000000" }, "text-weak": { "dark": "#CCCCCC", "light": "#555555" }, "text-xweak": { "dark": "#BBBBBB", "light": "#666666" }, "selected-background": "brand", "selected-text": "text-strong", "white": "#FFFFFF", "accent-1": "#6FFFB0", "accent-2": "#FD6FFF", "accent-3": "#81FCED", "accent-4": "#FFCA58", "dark-1": "#333333", "dark-2": "#555555", "dark-3": "#777777", "dark-4": "#999999", "dark-5": "#999999", "dark-6": "#999999", "light-1": "#F8F8F8", "light-2": "#F2F2F2", "light-3": "#EDEDED", "light-4": "#DADADA", "light-5": "#DADADA", "light-6": "#DADADA", "neutral-1": "#00873D", "neutral-2": "#3D138D", "neutral-3": "#00739D", "neutral-4": "#A2423D", "status-critical": "#FF4040", "status-error": "#FF4040", "status-warning": "#FFAA15", "status-ok": "#00C781", "status-unknown": "#CCCCCC", "status-disabled": "#CCCCCC", "background": { "light": "#ffffff", "dark": "#000000" } }