Custom label to be used by screen readers. When provided, an aria-label will be added to the element.
"a user friendly label for screen readers"
How to align along the cross axis when contained in a Box or along the column axis when contained in a Grid.
Background color.
{ color: "light-2", opacity: "medium" }
where opacity could be:
The color of the value region. This is only valid when used with 'value'.
A hex, name, or rgb value.
An object with a color for dark and light modes.
{ dark: "string", light: "string" }
The direction of the Meter you want to display. Currently, direction works only when 'type' of Meter is 'bar'.
The amount of margin around the component.
Can be specified to distinguish horizontal margin, vertical margin, and margin on a particular side.
{ vertical: "...", horizontal: "...", top: "...", bottom: "...", left: "...", right: "..." }
Array of value objects describing the data.
'value' is the actual numeric value. 'label' is a text string describing it. 'color' indicates the color name to use. If not specified a default one will be chosen. 'onClick' will be called when the user clicks on it. Set 'highlight' to call attention to it. 'onHover' will be called with a boolean argument indicating when the user hovers onto or away from it.
[ { value: 45, color: "graph-0", highlight: boolean, label: "string", onClick: () => {}, onHover: (true) => {} } ]
Color options.
{ icon: { dark: '#f8f8f8', light: '#666666' }, active: 'rgba(221, 221, 221, 0.5)', 'background-back': { dark: '#33333308', light: '#EDEDED' }, 'background-front': { dark: '#444444', light: '#FFFFFF' }, 'background-contrast': { light: '#33333310', dark: '#FFFFFF18' }, 'active-background': 'background-contrast', 'active-text': 'text-strong', black: '#000000', border: { dark: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.33)', light: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)' }, brand: '#7D4CDB', control: { dark: 'accent-1', light: 'brand' }, focus: '#6FFFB0', 'graph-0': 'accent-1', 'graph-1': 'neutral-1', 'graph-2': 'neutral-2', 'graph-3': 'neutral-3', 'graph-4': 'neutral-4', placeholder: '#AAAAAA', selected: 'brand', text: { dark: '#f8f8f8', light: '#444444' }, 'text-strong': { dark: '#FFFFFF', light: '#000000' }, 'text-weak': { dark: '#CCCCCC', light: '#555555' }, 'text-xweak': { dark: '#BBBBBB', light: '#666666' }, 'selected-background': 'brand', 'selected-text': 'text-strong', white: '#FFFFFF', 'accent-1': '#6FFFB0', 'accent-2': '#FD6FFF', 'accent-3': '#81FCED', 'accent-4': '#FFCA58', 'dark-1': '#333333', 'dark-2': '#555555', 'dark-3': '#777777', 'dark-4': '#999999', 'dark-5': '#999999', 'dark-6': '#999999', 'light-1': '#F8F8F8', 'light-2': '#F2F2F2', 'light-3': '#EDEDED', 'light-4': '#DADADA', 'light-5': '#DADADA', 'light-6': '#DADADA', 'neutral-1': '#00873D', 'neutral-2': '#3D138D', 'neutral-3': '#00739D', 'neutral-4': '#A2423D', 'status-critical': '#FF4040', 'status-error': '#FF4040', 'status-warning': '#FFAA15', 'status-ok': '#00C781', 'status-unknown': '#CCCCCC', 'status-disabled': '#CCCCCC', background: { light: '#ffffff', dark: '#000000' }, }
The border-radius of the styled Meter. thickness, height and width of the Bar Meter, height of the Circle Meter.
{ none: '0px', hair: '1px', xxsmall: '3px', xsmall: '6px', small: '12px', medium: '24px', large: '48px', xlarge: '96px', responsiveBreakpoint: 'small' }
The possible sizes for Circle Meter width.
{ xxsmall: "48px", xsmall: "96px", small: "192px", medium: "384px", large: "768px", xlarge: "1152px", xxlarge: "1536px", full: "100%", }